مجموعة مسلّم للمحاماة

Is a legal consulting company, specializing in the work of Law, mediation, arbitration, I.P, legal, administrative, and commercial advice.

Our legal group has more than thirty years of experience, and competence, in providing successful legal and administrative services, with perseverance and innovative solutions.  We can help you solve your problems in various type of lawsuits, including constitutional, administrative, and commercial issues.

The members of this group come from various backgrounds, and have proven record and experience in finding solutions and exiting problems faced by clients, using the best methods and means approved by Law and diligence, in the courts, judicial references, as well as, constitutional and administrative councils. They are distinguished by their high quality services and knowledge accompanied by legal advice, and mastery of solutions to the needs of their clients and their projects.

Moussallem Law Group has evolved in the business of litigation and providing legal, administrative and commercial advice, and then into the world of mediation and arbitration, to become a leading international Law group keeping pace with the global development and growth of communication and trade relations between citizens, companies and institutions of our present world.

مبادئ وقيم مجموعتنا القانونية وشعارها هو: الالتزام بالمصداقية الشخصية والسرية المهنية ، المحافظة على القيم الاخلاقية والسمعة الجيدة ، والمثابرة على ايجاد الحل المطلوب ضمن الأطر القانونية تحصيلا للحقوق. مع الإستعداد الدائم لتقديم الرأي القانوني الصائب ، والاقتراح الاداري الملائم ، والتعاقد الصحيح وحماية العقود ،والوقاية من أخطار لعمل ما أو لتصرف ما.

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